Sunday, January 17, 2010

☆☆ EmailCashPro Payment Testimonials! EmailCashPro 付款证明!☆☆

EmailCashPro payment proof testimonials from some of the paid members in the January 2010 newsletter! It has been more than 3 years in operation and making out payments every month to members who cash-out!

EmailCashPro 2010年1月电子月刊部分会员的付款声明!运行超过三年的每月都按时给要求支出的会员付款!

Excerpt from January 2010 newsletter! 采集于EmailCashPro一月份月刊的付款声明。

☆☆ 新加坡首创! 现在欢迎中国用户热烈参与!! ☆☆

For English readers, please click


这个阅读email挣钱的网站在新加坡掀起一股轰动的热潮,前所未有在20多处地铁列车箱里设置了广告牌 (点击观看地铁列车箱里的广告视频!),在新加坡的报章上也刊登了记者的采访报导,深受媒体关注。

EmailCashPro 成立于2006年七月份,在短短的一年多内,已吸引了许多广告商家,注册会员用户已多达80,000,人数还在火速加升!在新加坡的经营模式受到了肯定后,EmailCashPro已拓展到东南亚各地包括马来西亚,印尼和泰国。这个成功的商业模式,目前已经开放到全世界都能注册使用。现在也开放召集欢迎中国用户加入参与!

EmailCashPro 在新加坡报章上刊登的报导。Henry Soh 先生点击邮件已挣了新币$203.00元!约人民币1015元!点击上图看可看全屏报导.


这个简单的系统只需你点击阅读email就能直接挣钱了。如要提升收入,你也能邀请朋友,网友,同事,等加入你的网络,你就会得到额外的分钱奖励。升级到金用户Gold Member时,EmailCashPro有新币$5元奖励,也可获得多达5层下线的推荐利润!你把它们全部总计起来,这股会员下线的威力,势不可挡,累积下来的数目可不小!提款拿钱可直接转帐到PayPal贝宝(目前全球最大的网络银行),非常方便,用途及广。贝宝注册也是免费的,若没有账户,可点击这里申请新贝宝账户。贝宝账户里的金额也能直接划到国内银行帐号,到帐时间只需3个工作日。

那为什么阅读邮件就有钱赚呢?简单说,就是以email作为一个广告传达方式,如报纸,杂志,路牌,电视,等媒介。例如:今天某厂商要推出新款的运动鞋,促销对象是年轻好动的女性 --- 自然这组消费群也成为重点推广的对象,因为她们购买的机率也最高。使用邮件广播针对这组消费群传达信息最见效,费用也比一般广大传播媒介较低,而节约下来的广告成本就能与邮件读者分享。这就是奖励阅读email的操作模式,其实在很多西方国家已经盛行多年了。

采集于EmailCashPro十一月份月刊 - 马来西亚用户的收款图证明 - 下线累积的威力! 可点击上图看大图


★★注意!新用户注册时,请勿使用,,,, 126.com域名的邮箱。因为这些收件箱无法接收EmailCashPro发出的链接激活申请邮件。使用其他邮箱比如Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail 倒是没问题的。

以其他阅读email挣钱的网站 (PTRE - Paid To Read Email) 相比之下,EmailCashPro只根据你选择的兴趣主题,才发出相关的邮件。我参与过别的PTRE系统,莫名其妙的收到一大堆垃圾邮件!至今,EmailCashPro从未发不相关的邮件给我,而是在我选择范围里同意接收的主题邮件。如果垃圾邮件是你的顾虑,这点你大可放心。每个月,用户们也会收到EmailCashPro创办的电子月刊,里头有最新的系统信息,付款证明,财富创造,个人潜能栏目,等内容丰富的文章。


点击邮件后显示的“你的帐号已充钱” - Your account has been credited。可点击上图看大图



EmailCashPro是属于一间在新加坡政府商业注册局 (RCB) 合法正规注册的私营公司。公司名为 Easttech Pte Ltd 而注册编号RCB Number为200301652W。以下网址是新加坡RCB的网站 公司地址处在 164 Kallang Way #07-21/24 Singapore 349248。 EmailCashPro系统就是该公司开创,赞助及经营的,网赚系统稳健可靠。不像我们一般接触的其他网络PTRE,多数都是个体,夫妻或一些小组织在搞花头谋取信息。

Easttech Pte Ltd 公司在新加坡商业注册局RCB的注册记录。可点击上图看大图

互联网 的域名查询纪录。可点击上图看大图




总结:零投资,不费力,无风险,高信誉,新币兑换,国际性的潜能 - 机会已到你门前了,还犹豫什么呢!



★★ 快点击注册把好消息传达全世界!★★




Sunday, November 11, 2007

★★★ EmailCashPro 注册详细解说 ★★★

以下是EmailCashPro注册的详细说明. 注册只须三个简单步骤即可完成.

第一步 Step 1
点击**这里**登录后, 输入你的邮箱地址 (EmailCashPro必须通过邮件确认, 请务必输入真实邮箱地址, 勿用,,,, 126.com的域名邮箱,用gmail, yahoo, hotmail, live, 都没问题) 和填上系统的验证号码 (例如: 4542), 然后点击Signup. 看下图例子.

第二步 Step 2
之后, 打开你注册的收件箱 (如果没有,请查看垃圾邮箱), 收件箱将有EmailCashPro发来的邮件, 点击邮件里的链接, 激活申请的帐号. 看下图的例子, 可点击看大图.

点击链接将返回到EmailCashPro的网站, 接着填写你的个人资料 (your address[地址]和your postal code[邮编]需填但不需写实, 因为不需要地址接收支票, 使用贝宝PayPal便可直接转帐到国内银行). 广告主题最多可选15个, 最少5个, 一定要选, 才能接收电邮广告赚钱. 最后, 点击Save Changes注册成功! 看下图的例子, 可点击看大图.

注册成功后, 你将会看到以下的显示, 就是一切都OK完成了! 看下图的例子, 可点击看大图.

第三步 Step 3
最后, 查看你的收件箱, EmailCashPro将会发一个welcome欢迎邮件. 里面有你注册的用户名及密码, 和你的独特个人链接(URL - Unique Referral Link) - 可用此链接推荐或介绍给你的朋友,网友,同学等. 建议保存此email作为记录. 看下图的例子, 可点击看大图.

就这几分钟, 就这简单的三个步骤, 你就能开始接受点击阅读邮件挣钱了! 还有疑问的话, 在这留个言给我吧!


Saturday, September 8, 2007


Weeks ago, when I first received the email, I let it go as I thought it was another spam letter in my inbox. By the time I got the third one, I said, "what the heck, let's do it." And I never looked back ever since...

Most people respond to this programme because of the zero investment model and the earnings potential with this programme now going international. By the second week of me joining, I was astonished to see the growth response myself!

Does this sound too good to be true? Well, maybe to some some skeptics, it is. But it actually works and in this Internet Age, many people are already making good money from the Net alone. Online residual income today is very real! Think out of the box and you'll see a whole new cyberworld of online opportunities.

If you are new to online income, this is the right place to kick-start to learn more since there is no cost at all. So, just make a nice cup of coffee and read on to my next post for more details!

Give it your best honest efforts and see the gratifying results for yourself!!

Take the leap of your life today and reap the rewards tomorrow you've never imagined possible.



EmailCashPro, notably one of the first in this country, is Singapore's premier get Paid To Read Email (PTRE) service in bridging the advertisers and consumers via the form of paid email advertisements.

Published in the local newspapers Sunday Times (see news article below) and advertised in the SMRT (click *HERE* to see the MRT advert video!), EmailCashPro has achieved an overwhelming response and is a great success in Singapore. Leveraging on its local proven business model, it has gone international in recent months in welcoming the global community, targetted at those seeking for genuine online income opportunities.

Started only in July 2006 and originally meant for Singapore residents with a couple of hundred members, EmailCashPro's current membership has soared to over 80,000 and is still growing at an exponential rate - with its membership extension to Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, India, etc, and now to include subscribers from the rest of the world!

Sunday Times News Article. Mr Henry Soh has already earned S$ 203.00 from viewing ads online. Click above picture for the full report coverage.

EmailCashPro advertisement as seen on the SMRT train. The banner ad was chosen from a poll voted by EmailCashPro members!

This is now a lifetime opportunity for you to be part of this exciting international membership with your own family and friends plus your network of peers, colleagues, affiliates, etc. All you need to do is to spread the word and get them to join you and earn up to 5 levels of referral earnings! International members can receive payments directly to your PayPal accounts while Singapore and Malaysia members have the option to be paid by cheque to your postal address, or PayPal, or both.

Processed cheques awaiting postage to members' addresses at EmailCashPro's office. Getting paid!

Registration is FREE and there is absolutely no need to sell or purchase anything, unlike most get-rich-quick schemes or MLMs, whereby you need to sell something and your friends feel obligated to buy :-( For EmailCashPro, they decide if they want after reading the programme FAQs to earn extra pocket money for FREE and in return, they will also invite their family and friends and the list goes on. Now sit back and watch how this powerful networking tool goes to work - towards increasing your earnings in just months, or weeks!

You might rave that there are bigger programmes out there in the online world promising chunks of huge dollars in a matter of days but don't forget the universal rule - the higher and faster the returns, the greater the risks involved. Always remember - if an offer sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

EmailCashPro provides all members a zero-capital platform (what can you risk when it's given to you at no cost!) to build your network while you profit from reading emails and get paid even more when people subscribe under you - that is the real POWER of geometric growth!

Excerpt from EmailCashPro November's newsletter. Witness the real power of geometric growth from this Malaysian member! Click above to see full image.

Unlike other PTRE programmes where you'll receive tons of unrelated spam in your inbox, EmailCashPro only send your emails of choice based on your selection interest when you sign-up. Apart from paid emails, you'll also receive the monthly newsletters on program updates plus interesting articles and an interactive platform for all members to voice out their comments - post ideas/feedback for improvement, ask for help and advice, list payment details, whatever!

Sample Paid Email for Christmas Special Promotion! Click above to see full image.

Account credited for reading email advertisement! Click above to see full image.

Proof of Earnings and Payments! Click above to see full image.

For credibility record, EmailCashPro is spear-headed and driven by Easttech Pte Ltd - a private limited company incorporated in the Republic of Singapore with the Registrar of Companies and Businesses (RCB) Its RCB number is 200301652W and its office premises is located at 164 Kallang Way #07-21/24 Singapore 349248. It's a legitimate registered company and not own and run by some individuals, couples or groups as we see all the time with other PTRE services on the Internet. In addition, EmailCashPro has been around for more than 3 years backed by countless testimonials of on-time payments - in short, it works as it had withstood the test of time.

Registration of Easttech Pte Ltd as listed on ACRA (Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority) in Singapore. Click above to view full image.

EmailCashPro on - a service that provides domain name registration details and contact information for all domain names in the world, irregardless of where they are registered. Click above to view full image.

Many friends claim that free online incomes are scams/fads and to stop wasting time on the Net. But I only have this to say - if you are skeptical even to take that step towards this free opportunity, I'm sure you are going to pass up on many other opportunities later in life! However, they do have a point as there are online revenue sites that do not pay up and they shut down after a while, more often, promising mind-boggling astronomical figures in just days or even hours! However, you can't rule out the fact that there are indeed honest paying sites out there in the entire online income landscape - and you've come to one today.

When I started last year, I hesitated to tell all my friends as well about this opportunity which I chanced upon by email. After reading the programme FAQs, I felt that this could work and decided to give it a shot with my internet marketing experience. Within a span of 1-2 months, the results were very motivating and I collected my first ever online paycheck - and never looked back ever since...

Pursue your active income but start building your residual income like many others do. I'll like to invite you to ride on this global wave and be part of an international programme offering unlimited potential - get into the thick of action today and get ahead of others! !

Good usernames are taken up fast. Secure your preferred username now at this website today! Now who says you cannot make money for free...

★★ Click HERE to sign-up now and bring the whole world to your team ★★

For new ECP members:As a way of saying thanks after you've register under me, just drop me a quick comment with your email so I can share with you my marketing techniques as an appreciation gesture for your sign-up! Do stay in touch!!

For existing ECP members:If you are having little or no success with your programme, do consider cancelling your membership and rejoin under me. I'll share my resources and promotion activities with you to help you build your referral dowline. Drop me a comment here with your email as well. Cheers and to our success!!